
Giving a plenary talk at the 18th BISK conference

On April 20-21, 2023, the Deputy Director for Science of the ISSP UL and Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) academician, Dr.habil.phys. Andris Šternbergs gave a plenary talk, “Challenging scientific issues for sustainable future energetics raised by the energy crisis”, at the 18th Baltic Intellectual Cooperation Conference (BISK) held at the LAS in Riga.

The conference gathered delegations from the Academies of Sciences of the Baltic Sea countries. Among the attendees were scientists, doctoral students, politicians, teachers, government employees, and innovative entrepreneurs.

The topic of the conference was "Energy for the future society". The conference aimed to discuss and analyze energy harvesting and its sources, energy storage and transmission, and secure energy supply. During the meeting, various aspects of energy and energy problems (energy resources, including renewable energy production methods, energy storage, safe energy supply, efficient and sustainable energy use, also actualizing social sciences in the understanding and implementation of energy policy), the role of science and added value in the potential economic production of society and rational use of natural resources in the context of climate change were talked about.