
International Conference on Organic and Hybrid Thermoelectrics

The International Conference on Organic and Hybrid Thermoelectrics (ICOT2018) was held in Valencia (Spain) from January 29 to February 1. ISSP UL Director Dr.phys. Mārtiņš Rutkis participated at the conference as a member of International Scientific Committee and gave an oral presentation “Development of Thin Film Organic TE Generator based on Tetrathiotetracene”.


About 150 researchers from around the world reported on the advancements in the field of organic and hybrid materials for thermoelectric applications. One of the bets to favour a cleaner and sustainable environment is the development of thermoelectric devices. The exchange of information between scientists working in the field of organic thermoelectrics is essential to having thermoelectric devices competitive in price when compared to other clean energy resources in a few years’ time.

Scientific topics covered at the conference included:
Molecules, Conjugated Polymers, Nanocarbons and Coordination Compounds for Thermoelectrics
Hybrid, Composite and Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials
Ionic Thermoelectrics
Thermogalvanic Cells
Measurement and Evaluation of Thermoelectric Properties
Theory and Mechanisms of Organic and Hybrid Thermoelectrics
Design, Synthesis, Processing and Applications of Flexible Thermoelectric Materials and Devices
Other Subjects Related to Organic and Hybrid Thermoelectrics

Dr.phys. Mārtiņš Rutkis also took part at negotiation about building of project consortium with the aim to prepare and submit the application in the Horizon 2020 call “LC-NMBP-32-2019: Smart materials, systems and structures for energy harvesting (RIA)”.


More information about the event