
ISSP UL researchers win Best Poster Award at the Annual Battery 2030+ Conference

The head of the Laboratory of Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage, Dr.phys. Gints Kučinskis and the leading researcher from the same laboratory, Dr.chem. Gunārs Bajārs participated in the 3rd Annual Battery 2030+ Conference in Uppsala (Sweden) from May 9 to 10. They also visited Guiomar Hernandez, Associate senior lecturer / Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University.

During the meeting, ISSP’s researchers viewed the labs, found out more about the research topics at Uppsala University, informed about battery research at ISSP UL and searched for common scientific interests. It was agreed that a very interesting topic could be binders and electrode processing for Li-ion batteries, and a joint interest was expressed in preparing a Twinning project proposal.

At the conference, Gints Kučinskis and Gunārs Bajārs presented a poster, “Enhancing the Performance of Na2FeP2O7 and Na0.67MnO2 Cathodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries”. Out of 60+ posters presented, the poster was awarded 1st place in Poster Session Award. Many valuable talks about the current research in Li-ion and other battery technologies were given, including current and future EU funding activities. Several interesting discussions with leading researchers and European industry took place, including with Prof. Kristina Edström (Upsala University), Dr. Stefano Passerini (the University of Rome La Sapienza) and Altris (Sweden).

This Annual Conference included presentations from industry, a keynote session by Clare Gray from the University of Cambridge, Young scientists’ sessions, poster pitches and poster sessions, and many networking opportunities. In addition, the organizers presented the new research projects joining the initiative in 2023.

Battery 2030+ Annual Conference allowed its participants to network with key stakeholders of the battery research community and engage in meaningful discussions to empower green innovation in this field.

Battery 2030+ is a European large-scale research initiative reinventing how we invent batteries.

More information about the conference in Swedish