
Online Teaming Club Meeting 2021

On October 20, an online Teaming Club Meeting was held. The first topic of the agenda was new Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1237 of 23 July 2021 amending Regulation (EU) No 651/2014" about State Aid and its influence on  the Teaming Projects, which was presented by Prof. Andreja Kutnar, PhD, from the University of Primorska, Slovenia.

During the meeting, the participants shared the main challenges experienced during the past year related to institutional autonomy, project extensions due to Covid-19, EC reviews and interaction with project officers. Also joint Teaming Club activities for further internationalization and public awareness were discussed and all the participants were engaged in the discussion of these challenges after which, the suggested actions to be taken together were identified. The meeting ended with the conclusions on the discussed themes and a plan to meet in person next time when possible. 

From CAMART2 representatives from ISSP UL and KTH / Electrum Lab participated. Among the participants of the meeting were Teaming Club members from Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

The Teaming Club is a free association of all teaming centers, and serves as a platform for exchange of experience with building the teaming centers of excellence.