
Presentations of ISSP UL researchers at the Science Days 2021

On October 12, within the scope of series of events of Science Days organized by the Latvian Council of Science in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia, and the Latvian State Education Development Agency, the first research project presentation webinar “Science, innovations and technologies for the growth of the economy of Latvia - a real contribution to the economy?” took place.


This event was the first within the “Tune in to Science!” series of workshops taking place until November 10.  During the webinar, ISSP UL researchers presented their work to the colleagues and the general public. Doctoral student Ernests Einbergs from the Laboratory of Optical Materials presented his research “Development of mechanoluminescent thin films for real time stress detectors” financed by ERAF and Dr.habil.phys Baiba Bērziņa and Dr.phys. Guna Krieķe from Laboratory of Spectroscopy presented their research “Novel persistent luminescent material – visible light emitter” financed by the Latvian Council of Science as Fundamental and Applied Research project.


During the second “Science, innovations and technologies for the growth of the economy of Latvia - a real contribution to the economy?” webinar on October 28, the projects implemented in the Laboratory of Spectroscopy, EXAFS Spectroscopy Laboratory, and Laboratory of Prototyping of Electronic & Photonic Devices will be presented. The Director of ISSP UL, and the project manager of CAMART2 Dr.phys. Mārtiņš Rutkis will introduce CAMART2 and its contribution in upgrading the ISSP UL for it to become a center of excellence as well as in educating the young generation of researchers. The director will also highlight the project’s impact on the economy as it creates new jobs, attracts funding for projects, works with companies helping their businesses to develop and generate innovations.

On October 14 and 21, two projects implemented at the Laboratory of Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage and one project implemented at the Laboratory of Optical Materials will be presented during a webinar “The Green Deal – rescue or imitation of action”.


The aim of the Science Days is to give scientists and researchers the opportunity to present their research to colleagues and the general public, as well as to provide an insight into their scientific achievements and the work of scientists in general. Implementers of Fundamental and Applied Research projects, participants of the Postdoctoral Research Projects (PostDoc Latvia), participants of the EU Research and Innovation Program "Horizon 2020", etc. are among the participants of the Science Days 2021.

Science Days events take place online from September 28 to November 10.

Recording of the first session of presentations

More information about the events in Latvian