
The promising young physicist Arturs Bundulis is researching how to replace electronics

On February 8, the National TV channel, in its morning program “Rīta panorama” (Morning Panorama), showed a story about the leading researcher from the ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Organic Materials, Dr. phys. Artūrs Bundulis. In 2022, the Latvian Academy of Sciences awarded Bundulis the Young Scientists Award for his doctoral thesis “Inquiry of The Kerr Effect Origins in Organic Materials: Experimental Assessment By Z-Scan Method” (scientific advisor Dr. phys. Mārtiņš Rutkis).

In the video story, the young scientist explains that he first visited the ISSP UL while still in the tenth grade. Even then, he thought that the institute was a fascinating place and that this could be a path to move towards in the future. Now he is engaged in nonlinear optics research, learning how the properties of various materials change under the influence of temperature, light and other conditions. Artur’s current research could be of great importance in developing new technologies in the future. His colleagues predict a very promising future for him as a physicist.

The young physicist is fascinated by science because it is always exciting; he learns something new almost every day: "I like that my work is never the same; each day comes with something new. This is not a routine job. It’s not like you come every day, sit at the computer for eight hours and go home. One day you make samples; the next - you measure; then, you process the data and see something new.”

TV story in Latvian