
The scope of ISO 9001: 2015 certificate expanded for ISSP UL

CAMART2 - the biggest project ever implemented at the ISSP UL is aimed at creation of the ISSP UL as a modern Technological Centre in research of advanced materials not only in Latvia but also in the Baltic Sea region. The infrastructure upgrade, education of the staff, and experience exchange with CAMART2 project partners has allowed the ISSP UL to obtain the ISO 9001: 2015 quality certificate, which is an integral part of the CAMART² project implementation and includes the need for further development towards excellence in research, innovation and service delivery.

After receiving the initial International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certificate 9001: 2015 in 2019 and supplementing the scope of this certificate in 2020, the ISSP UL obtains the extended ISO 9000: 2015 certificate “Quality Management Systems. Requirements". Acquisition of an internationally recognized document is a confirmation that ISSP UL is a quality and development oriented organization. The scope of the new certificate: cleanroom services, procurement, human resources and intellectual property (licensing, negotiation) management, OAL (Open Access Lab) commercial processes (revenues, clients, booking, planning, and control), quality and KPI monitoring as well as operations with selected tools within and outside the cleanroom.

The family of ISO 9001 standards provides a unified system for consistent results, improvements and further development. A certified quality system provides significant benefits to the organization and its users, resulting in increased customer, management and employee satisfaction and encouraging continuous improvement of business processes. These aspects are critical for both industrial and academic customers, thus ensuring economic growth. Criteria related to quality, safety and environmental certification are often included in both public and private calls for proposals and applications. In such calls, the winner can be distinguished by the existence of an ISO 9001 certificate.


The quality audit was performed by KIWA Inspecta, a global actor in testing, inspection and certification (TIC) area that operates in 35 countries worldwide and employs almost 5500 quality and safety experts.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standardization bodies. The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out by ISO technical committees. Each member organization in a field for which a technical committee has been established is entitled to be represented on that committee. International governments and non-governmental organizations also take part in the work.