
Valuable experience exchange at the European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors

The leading researcher and head of the ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Spectroscopy, Dr. Phys. Anatolijs Šarakovskis, participated in the European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors-2023 in Mons, Belgium (May 23-26).

The European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors (EWOFS) was held at the University of Mons in Belgium. It is one of the major international events for the optical fiber sensors community and was the right place to learn about the recent academic and industrial advances in this technology.

The workshop was organized with plenary sessions of invited speakers presenting the state of the art of their specific domain and thematic poster sessions for all the contributed papers. Each poster session was followed by small group discussions with the purpose of analyzing and commenting on the contributions. The conclusion of each group was then presented to all the attendees. The purpose of this format was to optimize efficient and fruitful discussions and interactions within the optical fiber sensing community.

During the workshop, Anatolijs Šarakovskis met and had discussions with leading scientists in the field of optical fiber sensors, including the organizers of the event. Future collaboration with the group will be elaborated.