
20th International conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators

ISSP UL Deputy Director of science Andris Šternbergs and Anatolijs Popovs (Laboratory of Kinetics in Self-Organizing Systems)  participated in the "20th International conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators" (REI 2019) in Astana, Kazakhstan on August 19-23 with the oral presentation “Advanced materials and technologies in fusion research: an overview and some recent results from Latvian EUROFUSION Laboratory”.

REI-20 was dedicated to fundamental and applied research related to radiation effects in insulators and non-metallic materials. Since the inaugural 1981 REI conference in Arco, Italy, the REI conference series, held every two years, has been the prominent international forum to present and exchange information on the latest advances and achievements in the fields of radiation effects and ion beam modification in insulating materials.


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