
Participation in the BEPA networking event for upcoming Horizon Europe calls

A leading researcher from the ISSP UL’s Laboratory for Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage, Gints Kučinskis participated at the 5th General Assembly of BEPA (Batteries European Partnership Association), and the networking event on 2023 Horizon Europe BATT4EU Calls organized by BEPA. The event invited experts to share their ideas during the pitch rounds and to take advantage of the presence of like-minded industry experts.

Gints Kučinskis presented his pitch of ISSP’s participation in Horizon Europe calls (in particular HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-02-02: New Approaches to Develop Enhanced Safety Materials for Gen 3 Li-Ion Batteries for Mobility Applications). Researchers, project managers and other possible collaboration partners were familiarized with ISSP UL and the institute’s work on developing materials for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries and researching battery cell ageing. During the networking event, Gints Kučinskis discussed possible collaboration with approximately 20 people from various institutions.