A Latvian-Swedish networking effort to best serve industry and academia.
Latvian-Swedish regional network is a collaboration and technology transfer platform established in the frame of the CAMART² project to maximize the impact of the activities of the partners’ cooperation on the both sides of the Baltic Sea and beyond.
Regional network collaboration partners are initating series of webinars towards CAMART² consortium integrated services - research infrastructure & capabilities of KTH, RISE and ISSP UL.
The target audience of the webinars are R&I groups, industry and academia.
- to increase the scientific collaboration between research and industrial partners from Latvia and Sweden;
- to promote the mobility of students and researchers between partner organisations;
- to encourage the sharing of research infrastructure;
- to increase the number of collaborative projects;
- to increase the visibility of partner organisations in the region;
- to maximize the impact on the industrial growth in the region;
- to broaden networks and facilitate the outreach to researchers and stakeholders in other countries;
- to make stronger and relevant offers to stakeholders in the region including complementary competences and shared infrastructure;
- to attract public and industrial funds.
To find out more feel free to message our contact persons
Contact at the Institute of Solid State Physics,
University of Latvia:
Andris Anspoks