
2nd festival of physics 2019

On Saturday, May 11, the largest physics festival in the Baltics was organized in Riga, attended by nearly 4,000 people. The festival guests had the opportunity to participate in physics workshops, interactive games, observe and perform experiments, compete in competitions, listen to lectures and concerts.

Advanced experiments, physics processes were explained and the institute was represented by young and experienced scientists of Laboratories of Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage, Spectroscopy, Materials Morphology and Structure Investigaions and Visual Perception.

Thanks to: Ainārs Knoks, Pēteris  Lesničenoks, Ingars Lukoševičs, Guna Krieķe, Haralds Ozols, Jēkabs Cīrulis, Jurģis Grūbe, Arturs Cintiņš and Varis Karitāns!