
8th School of the European Federation of EPR groups on Advanced EPR

The advanced EPR school is an initiative of the European Federation of Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) groups to ensure the continuation of the successful development of EPR techniques and their applications.

EPR spectroscopy, also known as electron-spin resonance (ESR) and electron magnetic resonance (EMR), allows detection of paramagnetic centres and their coupled magnetic nuclei on a time scale as short as nanoseconds and with spatial resolution from the atomic up to the nanometer scale. Recent two decades witnessed tremendous methodological and instrumental developments in EPR spectroscopy that led to scientific breakthroughs in many different fields of application.

Young researcher Dr. phys. Andris Antuzevičs from our institute took part at the 8th School of the European Federation of EPR groups on Advanced EPR (18-25.11.2019, Brno, Czech Republic), where he presented the results of investigations on “EPR detection of Eu3+ ion distribution in glass ceramics”.

During the school lecturers and specialists in the field covered various topics related to EPR physics and applications. In tutorial sessions different aspects of EPR spectra interpretation and simulations were explained. The acquired knowledge is going to be crucial for the development of know-how on working with EPR spectrometer Bruker Elexsys-II E500 CW system recently upgraded thanks to CAMART² attracted funding.