
Automation & Testing fair dedicated to Robotics, Tests and Measurements, Innovative Technologies and Industry 4.0

Ilze Aulika (ISSP UL MATERIZE sales unit) attended the exhibition “12º FIERA DEDICATA A INDUSTRIA 4.0, MISURE E PROVE, ROBOTICA, TECNOLOGIE INNOVATIVE” in Torino, Italy.


The 12th edition of the Automation & Testing fair, the reference exhibition in Italy dedicated to Robotics, Tests and Measurements, Innovative Technologies and Industry 4.0 was held at the Oval Lingotto Fiere in Turin from 18 to 20 April.


The event has the patronage of Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza and Brinaza.

New technologies, innovative solutions, successful application cases, a real Smart Factory in action and a rich program of events characterized this edition.


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