
CAMART2 management meeting in Stockholm

On December 8-9, CAMART2 management meeting will take place in Stockholm. The collaboration partners from ISSP UL, KTH, and RISE will discuss progress achieved in a year 2021 and plans until January 2022.

During the meeting, all the involved Work Packages (WP) will have presentations followed by discussions. RIX-STO collaboration platform partners will discuss deliverables, strategy planning, as well as the prepared outline of the updated strategy. WP1 will have presentation “Digging deeper - Research program update outline, key issues, needed contribution from KTH&RISE present”. The transition plan - general strategy after CAMART, KTH/RISE plans, intentions, and possibilities will also be talked over. WP7 will discuss project management issues and the implementation report (including review of exploitation mid-term & KPIs), as well as the budget outline and strategy points for 2022.