
CAMART2 Open Access Laboratory leader Meeting

On February 7, representatives from various laboratories of ISSP UL (Laboratory of Visual Perception, Laboratory of Materials Morphology and Structure Investigations, Laboratory of Prototyping of Electronic & Photonic Devices, Thin Film Laboratory, Laboratory of Chemical Technologies) visited KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm/Kista, Sweden and participated in the CAMART2 Open Access Laboratory leader Meeting and got the information about organization, infrastructure, cleanrooms, equipment and quality system of Electrum Laboratory.


In Kista, the Electrum Laboratory with a 1300 m2 cleanroom area and 1500 m2 additional laboratories is outstanding for fabrication and characterization in the nano and micro scale, supporting the whole chain from education, research and development, to prototyping and production. The Electrum Laboratory is owned by KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) – the leading technical university of Sweden. The facility is operated by KTH in close collaboration with Acreo Swedish ICT – the Swedish research institute for micoelectronics, optics and communication technology.


Electrum Laboratory resources are available at open access. Researchers from scientific institutions and industry are welcome to work together with skilled personnel in a collaboration project. They can gain open access to Laboratory’s processes and calibrated characterization tools. Processing tools are very flexible in terms of materials and substrate sizes and many can handle small to medium scale production volumes with strict control.


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