
CAMART2 presented at the XXVII congress of Latvian Materials Research Society

On March 25, the Latvian Materials Research Society (LMRS) held its XXVII congress. This time it was an online event. The congress was divided in two parts – one devoted to reports of the Mandates Commission, LMRS board and its Audit Committee. It also included the Board performance evaluation as well as the re-election of the Board took place.

Within the second part of the LMRS congress, the Latvian Centers of Excellence were introduced. ISSP UL’s director, CAMART² project manager, academician, Prof., Dr.phys. Martins Rutkis presented the “Center of Excellence in Materials Science at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia” and Director of RTU Institute of General Chemical Engineering, project coordinator of BBCE, academician, Prof., Dr.sc.ing. Janis Locs presented the Baltic Biomaterials Center of Excellence (BBCE).


LMRS was established in 1994.  It is a public, independent, creative, professional organization uniting individuals specialized in material development, research, production, use and training of specialists in field of material research. The aims of the society include:

  • uniting individuals of various specialties for collaborative and creative work in material research and engineering, also for training new specialists;
  • organizing collaboration of scientists, industry and consumers;
  • organizing exchange of information about latest achievements and trends in materials research in Latvia and the rest of the world;
  • providing theoretical and practical assistance in quality assurance and conformity assessment of materials; participating in training and skills development of new specialists;
  • promoting conservation and research of material research science heritage;
  • defending society member professional interests, including copyrights;
  • encouraging improvement of material technological and ecological characteristics;
  • organizing international and local scientific conferences and seminars.