
EASAC Press and Communications Group meeting

EASAC Press and Communications Group meeting (webinar) took place on May 27 and was devoted to engaging younger audiences through science communications.  Representatives from CAMART2 communication and dissemination work package took part in the webinar. The meeting was divided in two parts.

During the first part of the meeting, Dr. Robert Lepenies from Global Young Academy (GYA) shared his     thoughts on how one can in engage with younger audiences through science communication, with a special focus on science academies and social media. Robert Lepenies is a research scientist at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany and a member of the executive committee of the Global Young Academy, GYA. His research interests include: science-society-policy interfaces, (indicator) politics of the Sustainable Development Goals, ethics of economics, multidimensional poverty, the legitimacy of using behavioural instruments in policy (“nudging”), and questions relating to the role of scientists in society. In his presentation, Robert gave an input on how one can engage with younger audiences through science communications with a special focus on science academies and social media.

During the second part of the meeting the presentation of joined initiative on COVID-19 and of the materials created (infographics, videos) were demonstrated. The second half of the meeting was dedicated to the joint Communications Campaign on COVID-19 vaccines. This was prepared by members of the EASAC PCG (Press and Comms Group) together with the EASAC Secretariat.

In the Q&A section of the webinar, the participants shared their thoughts and also good practice of communication through social platforms.
