
Electronic nose in odor detection

On March 7, the second part of the National Radio (LR1) program, Zināmais nezināmajā (Known in the Unknown), was devoted to technologies that allow to perform various functions faster, more accurately and more efficiently. Sometimes these functions are not only substitutes for human handwork but even the human senses. One such tool is an electronic nose or e-nose, a device that allows you to monitor various odors in the environment and report air pollution violations. ISSP UL’s physicist and head of the communication and information group Dr. Phys. Līga Grīnberga and the director of the Lielrīga Regional Environmental Board of the State Environmental Service of Latvia Daina Kalēja, explained to the listeners how such e-nose works and how it is used in Latvia.

An electronic nose typically identifies odors by detecting the “fingerprint” of a chemical compound across an array of sensors monitored by pattern-recognition software. E-nose technology is already in use across many industries, including agricultural, environmental, food, manufacturing, and the military.

Zināmais nezināmajā is a popular scientific radio journal that covers various fields of science, inquires topics about nature, ecology, geography, ornithology, zoology, astronomy, archaeology, and history. The program also informs about the scientific and technological achievements and the life and work of outstanding personalities. The radio journal pays special attention to the achievements of Latvian scientists in Latvia and the world. The host and the invited researchers or guests discuss the "main topic" and invite the listeners to collaborate, give their opinion, and ask questions to the program guests.

The full program in Latvian is available from here.