

On April 24-27, representatives of ISSP UL Mārtiņš Rutkis (Director), Andris Šternbergs (Deputy Director of science), Anatolijs Šarakovskis (Deputy Director of studies) and Andris Anspoks (Deputy Director for innovation) took part at the FM&NT-2017 (Functional materials and Nanotechnologies) conference in Tartu, Estonia.


The FM&NT-2017 belongs to the yearly conference series started by the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia. The scope of conference covers experimental and theoretical research on functional materials, nanotechnology, optical materials, novel characterization methods, low dimensional systems and sustainable energy technologies. 170 delegates from 21 different countries, including 62 delegates from Latvia, participated at the conference. 


Mārtiņš Rutkis gave oral presentation “CAMART2 – boosting technology transfer”. Andris Šternbergs was selected as a chairperson at the International Steering Committee. Andris Anspoks presented the invited speech “When and how oxide nano-particles are formed in advanced ODS steels? Practical application of advanced structure analysis methods”.


Conference website