
FM&NT-2020 will take place!

The organizers have decided that the 13th international conference Functional Materials and Nano­technologies (FM&NT-2020) will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on November 23-26, 2020, after having taken into consideration the Lithuanian Government’s decisions regarding pandemic situation.

The conference topics include: Optical materials; Nanocomposites and ceramics; Thin films and coatings; Energy harvesting and storage; Electronic and photonic devices and yet more. Among the invited speakers of the conference there will be highly qualified researchers from CAMART2 advanced partner’s organization KTH Royal Institute of Technology and also researchers from the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia.

The FM&NT conference series was started in 2006 by scientists of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia. Since 2013 FM&NT conferences turned over a new page – becoming a common conference of all three Baltic countries. Now it is being organized periodically by the ISSP UL, University of Tartu, and Vilnius University. This conference brings together researchers from the Baltic states and the whole world. The warm and open atmosphere of this scientific conference has turned it into event where people from rather different research fields meet under the common name functional materials and nanotechnologies. It is particularly important for early stage scientists who are looking for new knowledge and contacts with other researchers to build up their own network.

For participants of the conference:

  • Abstract submission deadline is extended till 15 September 2020. New or cor­rected abstracts can be uploaded at http://www.fmnt.ff.vu.lt/abstract-submission/;
  • If an abstract is already submitted, but it won’t be possible to attend the con­ference in November, please inform us in advance by e-mail fmnt@ff.vu.lt;
  • Conference program will be available on 30 September 2020;
  • Early-bird registration is extended till 15 October 2020. The registration can be done following the link http://www.fmnt.ff.vu.lt/registration/ .
(!) Update: As of october 29 FM&NT will be held online

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