
ISSP and RISE together at Uppsala Life 2019

Uppsala Life is a conference at Uppsala Castle in Sweden where local as well as national life science stakeholders and government meet to discuss challenges and opportunities. On site, October 15, was the Swedish government’s national life science coordinator Dr Jenni Nordborg, the secretary general of Forska!Sverige (Swedish research), the mayor of Uppsala as well as representatives from university, hospitals, SMEs and industry such as GE Healthcare and Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Dr Caroline Dahl from RISE invited ISSP to participate in the event to get an overview of the Swedish life-science ecosystem, and to present ISSP. RISE and ISSP met up at the conference and shared a joint, side-by-side presentation space to emphasize our international collaboration.


More information https://www.uppsalabio.com/event/uppsala-life-2019-arena-for-life-science/

and http://www.forskasverige.se/english/