
ISSP UL researcher at the Nuclear Energy for Latvia conference

On May 18, the first international online conference Nuclear Energy for Latvia, took place. Among the speakers at the conference was the ISSP UL’s Leading Researcher and Deputy Director for Education, Dr. habil. phys. Andris Šternbergs. The theme of his presentation was Energy challenges during the energy crisis and critical climate change: green nuclear energy as a long-term solution for baseload capacity. The conference aimed to promote the understanding of the role of nuclear energy in achieving Latvia’s climate goals and strengthening energy independence. Thanks to CAMART2, all the preconditions for pursuing research in the fields of nuclear and fusion energy and implementing projects related to the EU’s Green Deal and active participation in the EUROfusion consortium were established at the ISSP UL.

The conference was opened by the Minister of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, Jānis Vitenbergs and the Minister of Defense Artis Pabriks. Presentations were also given by the Director of Research and Development at Latvenergo AS Māris Balodis, Executive Director of Latvian Association of Power Engineers and Energy Constructors Gunārs Valdmanis, Professor at Riga Technical University Andrejs Krasņikovs, etc.  The following speakers from abroad joined the conference: Kalev Kallemets, CEO of Fermi Energia (Estonia), Wade Allison, Professor Emeritus of Physics and Fellow of Keble College in Oxford (UK), Meredith Angwin (USA), Energy Analyst, and others.

The target audience for the conference was representatives from state and municipal institutions, energy production and distribution companies, students, and anyone interested in environmentally friendly energy production. The conference provided simultaneous translation into Latvian and English.

Partners of the conference: "Fermi Energia" OÜ, AS "Latvenergo Latvian Association of Power Engineers and Energy Constructors, Riga Technical University, Latvian Academy of Sciences, non-profit organization "Generation Atomic", the international organization "World Nuclear Association", international movement "Stand Up for Nuclear ", Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, SIA Odo and portal “Ir.lv".

Conference recording is available from here.