
ISSP UL’s leading researcher receives the diploma of the elected true member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences

During the General Meeting of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS), elections of the new members of LAS took place. Due to the epidemiological restrictions and the state of emergency declared in the country, the event took place remotely on November 26, 2020. Eight true members, four foreign and one honorary member, as well as seven corresponding members were elected.

The Diploma Award ceremony for the elected members was postponed until July 2021. Due to the easing of the epidemiological restrictions, the new members of LAS could participate in an in person event. Leading researcher from the ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Computer Modeling of Electronic Structure of Solids Dr.phys. Roberts Eglītis was among the receivers of the Diploma of true member of the LAS.


Roberts Eglītis has conducted research in theoretical solid state physics. In 2016, he won the Edgars Siliņš Prize in Physics of the LAS. He is also the winner of the prestigious Baltic Assembly Prize in Science (2020) and the co-author of one of the most significant achievements in Latvian science in 2019. R. Eglītis is the author of 160 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. The first in the world has theoretically predicted the possibility of creating a high-energy 5-volt Li-ion battery using Li2CoMn3O8 as the cathode material for this battery.


More information in Latvian: https://www.lza.lv/aktualitates/jaunumi/678-pasniegti-diplomi-2020-gada-ieveletajiem-jaunajiem-akademijas-locekliem