
MATRIZE visits for possibilities of collaboration

Representative from ISSP UL MATERIZE sales unit, participated in the Future Mobility Week in Torino, Italy with the aim to present MATERIZE to GruppoSTG.


Future Mobility Week consists of business-to-business events and networking and matching opportunities at the highest European levels of responsibility, firmly anchored in the Piedmont area, suited to the sector, but open to national mobility clusters.

GruppoSTG is an Italian company that is specialized in the design and manufacture of photovoltaic and structural solutions.


The representative from MATRIZE also participated in the meeting with employees of Department “Nanoscienze e Materiali” of Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) in Torino, Italy with the aim to discuss MATERIZE activities and possibilities of collaboration.


INRIM is a public research centre acting as Italy’s national metrology institute (NMI). INRIM realizes, maintains and develops the national reference standards of the measurement units of the International System (SI). Basic and applied research in many fields - such as materials science, nanoscience, quantum optics, studies on the fundamental constants of physics - as well as the development of new measurement technologies and instruments enhance the metrology activity.


Department “Nanosciences and Materials” conducts basic and technological research in the field of nanosciences and materials, both in relation to the creation of metrological references and in response to the needs of technological innovation in industry and services.


Representative from MATRIZE sales unit visited the Politecnico di Torino (Polytechnic University of Turin) as well. The aim of the visit was to present MATERIZE activities and discuss about possibilities of collaboration.

The Polytechnic University of Turin is a public engineering university based in Turin, Italy. Established in 1859, it is Italy’s oldest technical university. The university offers several courses in the fields of Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design.




