
President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Ion Tiginyanu visits ISSP UL

On October 18, the President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and Professor of the Technical University of Moldova, Ion Tiginyanu. The aim of the visit was to visit the ISSP UL and give a guest lecture for the students of the Doctoral School “Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies.” The lecture’s theme was Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, including ultrathin membranes, nanotubes and 3D nanoarchitectures, for multifunctional applications.

The guest was welcomed by the Director of the ISSP UL, Dr. Phys. Andris Anspoks, Deputy Director for Science, Dr. Habil. Phys. Andris Šternbergs and the Manager of CAMART2, the biggest ever project implemented at the ISSP UL, Dr. Phys. Mārtiņš Rutkis. The President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was taken on a tour of the renovated and well-equipped laboratories and met researchers from the Laboratory of Spectroscopy and the Laboratory of Micro and Nanodevices. The ISSP UL’s scientists talked about their research interests and directions, latest achievements and showed the capabilities of some of the state-of-the-art equipment units.  The possibilities of future collaboration were also discussed.

Prof. Ion Tiginyanu is the founder and director of the National Center for Materials Study and Testing, Moldova. His research areas are Nanotechnologies and multifunctional nanomaterials; Materials science; Novel nanocomposite materials; Ternary and multinary semiconductor compounds, phase transitions under hydrostatic pressure; Electrochemical treatment of electronic materials for sensor applications, templated electrochemical deposition; Luminescence. Professor teaches Nanotechnologies, Solid State Physics, Materials for Micro-Optoelectronics and Photonics. Prof. Ion Tiginyanu has over 400 publications in scientific journals, has written six books in English, and has 53 technological patents. He has given over 120 Scientific Reports and Lectures at many universities and research centers.

Doctoral School, “Functional materials and nanotechnologies,” takes place weekly at the ISSP UL. Representatives from industry, local and foreign researchers, and the students themselves take the floor during the seminars and talk about topical subjects and research in the fields of functional materials and nanotechnologies both in Latvia and the world.