
ISSP visits companies in Italy

On January 16, representatives from ISSP UL - Deputy Director for innovation, MATERIZE Project manager and MATERIZE sales unit within the framework of CAMART2 project visited Microla Optoelectronics, Trustech and Phi Drive companies in Italy with the aim to present ISSP and Materize activities and discuss possibilities of collaboration.

Microla Optoelectronics was founded in July 2006 as a spin-off of the Polytechnic of Turin proposing solid-state laser sources to the market. Over the years, attention has focused on laser processing and processing activities.

On this front, complete machines are available, such as Laser Ready, or laser processing systems designed and manufactured at the customer’s request. Microla consolidates the skills of its team of engineers and physicists for the design of optical and electronic systems.

Trustech is a company specialized in Micro and Nanotechnologies. A private lab (400 m2 cleanrooms class 1000 and 100) where engineers, physicists, chemists and biologists are able to design, realize and industrialize Micro/Nano devices. Trustech works within a wide network of international research centers in close relationship with the main industrial companies in Italy.

Phi Drive designs and produces high precision drives and positioning systems. Continuous research for cutting edge solutions and methods makes us leader in innovation in piezoelectric and pneumatic technologies.

Phi Drive’s technicians, researchers and engineers give design and consultancy support for the realization of high-precision customized solutions. Fields of interest include military, aerospace and automation.

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