
Sensors with graphene workshop

On November 23, the “Sensors with graphene” workshop will take place at RISE - one of the CAMART2 partners. The workshop will focus on graphene in sensors and will provide an opportunity to listen to presentations and participate in discussions. Participants of the workshop are invited to take a tour at of RISE Kista, including the Electrum cleanroom and Characterization labs.

The workshop is organized jointly by SIO Grafen, RISE, and the Graphene Flagship.

After the lab tour, the workshop will be opened by the organizers and followed by presentations given by representatives of AMO, Veoneer, and SenseAir companies. In the afternoon, presentations by representatives of In2great Materials AB/KTH, Smena Catalysis, and the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia will be given. The workshop will end with a free discussion.

To apply for the workshop, follow the link: https://siografen.se/event/sensors-with-graphene-a-workshop/

SIO Grafen is a national Strategic Innovation Program supporting industrial graphene development in Sweden. The program is supported by the Swedish government agencies Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation Agency), the Swedish Energy Agency, and the Swedish Research Council Formas. The vision for 2030 is that Sweden is among the world’s top ten countries deploying graphene to ensure industrial leadership.

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden ensures business competitiveness and contributes to a sustainable society through international collaboration with industry, academia, and the public sector. RISE works within the areas of Sensors and Actuators, Power Electronics and Digital Communication, turning R&D into innovation through customized prototyping, small-scale production, and spin-off companies.

Graphene Flagship was funded by the European Commission in 2013; it has brought nearly 170 academic and industrial partners in 22 countries together to bring graphene innovation out of the lab and into commercial applications.