
Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society

Researcher Anatolijs Popovs from ISSP UL Laboratory of Kinetics in Self-Organizing Systems participated in the Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS 2019) which was held in Nice, France on May 27-31. He presented posters: “Influence of the induced F0-center to the electronic structure of Mn-doped YAlO3: Prediction from the first principles”, “Understanding of the Kinetics of Defect Annealing in Heavily Irradiated Binary and Complex Oxides – Disordering Effects”, “Modeling of F-type Centers Thermal Annealing in Neutron Irradiated and Thermochemically Reduced ZnO and BeO single crystals”, “Comparison of the F-type centre thermal annealing in irradiated Al2O3 and Y3Al5O12 single crystals”, “Phase transition at stepped SrTiO3 low index surfaces: Prediction from the first principles”.

This event was organized in conjunction with the International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM) of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS).

The scientific programme highlighted the latest advances in materials research at an international level, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research in both fundamental and applied areas.

The technical program of the meeting included 28 symposia organized into 6 topical clusters:

                Materials for Energy

                Bio- and Soft Materials

                Nano-functional Materials

                2 Dimensional Materials

                Materials, Electronics and Photonics

                Modelling and Characterization


For more information visit https://www.european-mrs.com/meetings/2019-spring-meeting