
The ISSP UL offers its expertise in the new Latvian Quantum Initiative

Leading Latvian scientists and academics from the University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL), and the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia working in the field of quantum technologies have established the Latvian Quantum Initiative. This initiative will help oversee and coordinate quantum technology-related activities in Latvia, participate in European quantum technology networks, follow the needs of the Latvian industry and represent its interests in quantum technology development.

The development of quantum technologies is a challenge on a human scale that every country needs to take part in, and this initiative is Latvia’s way of joining this challenge. The establishment of the Latvian Quantum Initiative is an opportunity to connect Latvian scientists with European and global scientists, coordinate activities in the field of quantum technologies in Latvia and ensure that they are focused and effective. The initiative will involve not only scientists but also companies and public institutions.

Andris Anspoks, Director of the ISSP UL, on participation in the Latvian Quantum Initiative: "The Institute of Solid State Physics has experience in large-scale, complex research projects, which is necessary for the implementation of this initiative. It also has competencies in the design and implementation of electronic and photonic components, materials science, solid state physics, and a wide range of modern equipment necessary for the characterization of materials required for the research part of the project, as well as for concept and prototype tests. We have the only nanotechnology research center where it is possible to fabricate the micro and nanostructures needed for quantum electronic and photonic devices. It is the most modern nanotechnology center in the Baltics, with 650 square meters of ISO 9001:2015-certified cleanroom space. The Nanotechnology Centre is designed as an open-access infrastructure with a modern laboratory management system. The ISSP UL industry collaboration platform Materize will be the basis for innovation development and collaboration with the industry. It will serve as a single access point for industry partners."

The two main directions of activities of the Latvian Quantum Initiative are research and education. In research, the Initiative’s activities are currently focused on the following thematic areas, identified based on the future development perspective of Latvian quantum technologies and existing developments in science and industry: 1) quantum algorithms and software, 2) quantum sensors and devices (theory and implementation; electronics and photonics), 3) quantum communication and communication security. In the field of education, the initiative aims to develop study modules in 1) quantum computing theory; 2) quantum programming; 3) physics of quantum technologies; 4) quantum communication technologies.

The activities of the Latvian Quantum Initiative are aimed at enhancing the competence of Latvia and all partners involved, increasing global competitiveness, promoting international recognition, international cooperation with other world-leading research institutions and educating young professionals. One of the results of the Latvian Quantum Initiative will be educated specialists familiar with the technologies of the future, which is why, using all their competencies and capabilities, the partners of the Initiative are involved in establishing quantum technology studies and the improvement of existing study programmes.