
Three ISSP UL researchers receive LAS Young Scientists and Name Awards

Every year, the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) awards the best Latvian scientific achievements and recognizes the best Latvian scientists by presenting Name Awards and Young Scientists’ Awards. In January 2023, four researchers from the ISSP UL were honored with such awards.

Arturs Balklavs Prize for Promoting Science was awarded to the leading researcher from the Laboratory of Optical Materials, Dr.phys. Virgīnija Vītola, for her work with youth and attracting them to science.

Researcher PhD Inga Pudža from the Laboratory of EXAFS Spectroscopy received Ludvigs and Māris Jansons Prize for her PhD thesis “Impact of the local structure on the thermochromic properties of copper molybdate and its solid solutions” (Supervisor Dr.phys. Aleksejs Kuzmins). This prize is awarded to the best young scientists in physics.

Two research assistants from the Laboratory of Spectroscopy, Mg.phys. Viktorija Pankratova and Mg.phys. Rihards Ruska received the Young Scientists Awards. Viktorija received the award for her master’s thesis, “Investigation of radiation-induced defects in single garnet crystals” (Supervisor Dr.phys. Anatolijs Šarakovskis), whereas Rihards – for his master’s thesis, “Visible and infrared luminescence in aluminum nitride materials” (Supervisor Dr.habil.phys. Baiba Bērziņa).

Information about the receivers of the awards in Latvian