
Visit to CEA Tech in France

ISSP MATERIZE team and project CAMART² partners from RISE and KTH Electrum visited CEA Tech and gained high level overview about business model for cooperation with industry.

CEA Tech is French leader in Technology research and technology transfer to industry covering the gap in the innovation process. Its industrial services are based on their IP background (patents / know-how) and 32 technology platforms including micro- and nanoelectronics, batteries, solar, embedded systems, design and advanced manufacturing.

One of CEA Tech institutes – LETI, located in Grenoble was attended as well. LETI once created with a focus on microelectronics, now has expanded activities to cinatech, biochemistry, embedded systems integration, photonics, nanoelectronics, MEMS, nanocharacterization. The research priorities are based on two processes: bottom-up approach accumulating information from the laboratories, and feedback from the industrial partners, market analysis and government policy initiatives.  

During this visit (May 12-14), CAMART² team had a meeting with EU project coordinator LITEN Novel Materials Technology Department, where they in depth discussed the cooperation opportunities in H2020 projects. The statistics of submitted and accepted H2020 project proposals of this department is exceptionally high. CEA coordinates about 30% of all H2020 projects, and is very active in EIT calls.


 More information http://www.cea-tech.fr/cea-tech/english/Pages/home-uk.aspx