
Visit to the Printed Electronics Arena (PEA)

On May 20-21, representatives and scientists from the ISSP UL visited the Printed Electronics Arena (PEA) in Norrköping, Sweden. The aim of the visit was to collect the information about PEA business model and identify opportunities for possible collaboration.


PEA is an innovation cluster, bringing academic research findings and industrial applications and needs closer. PEA is operated by RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden. PEA is an arena for innovation where RISE collaborates tightly with the Linköping University and the Laboratory of Organic Electronics.


The aim of the visit to the RISE Printed Electronics Arena (PEA) was to obtain information on the intellectual property management, industry collaboration model and service labs. Contacts have been established for further collaboration. Linköping University’s Laboratory of Organic Electronics, which is working actively in the field of nanocellulose-based materials, was open for communications with ISSP Organic Materials Laboratory.


The visit to RISE Printed Electronics Arena (PEA) was devoted to exploring Open Innovation Test Bed concept as well as open new cooperation possibilities between ISSP and RISE.


More information https://www.printedelectronicsarena.com/