
Visit to the University of Aveiro

On November 3-8, Andris Šternbergs (Deputy Director of science at the ISSP UL) participated in the meeting with representatives of University of Aveiro, Portugal with the aim to discuss the possible collaboration between institutions.


The University of Aveiro is a public university, in addition to providing polytechnic education, located in the Portuguese city of Aveiro. The University of Aveiro offers a wide range of degree programmes in various areas of knowledge which reflect its multidisciplinary and innovative character and are designed to build student competences in scientific and technical areas that meet the emerging needs of business, industry and society. The UA is a privileged partner of companies and other national and international entities, with which it cooperates on various projects and programs and for which it provides important services. As a quality research institution, the University of Aveiro develops solutions and innovative products that contribute to technological, scientific, cultural and social improvement.


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