
28th Innovation Day in Biella, Italy

On May 9, representative from ISSP UL MATERIZE sales unit attended seminar 28° INNOVATION DAY Agevolazioni 2018 – 2020 per Ricerca e Innovazione industriale: novità e anticipazioni (28th Innovation Day “Facilities for 2018 - 2020 for Research and Industrial Innovation: news and previews”).

The event, organized by the Textile Innovation Center in collaboration with the Unione Industriale Biellese, Confindustria Piemonte and Enterprise Europe Network, took place in the Seminar Room of the Centro Studi Congress Center in Biella, Italy.

The aim of the meeting was to illustrate the framework of support measures for research and innovation available for companies at European, national and regional level, paying particular attention to the innovations planned for the three-year period 2018 – 2020.

Particular attention was given to the experience of companies that have successfully participated in European calls, within the SME Instrument and LIFE programs (MIDWOR and FLAREX).


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