
Acquiring valuable knowledge at DESY PETRA III synchrotron

From March 28 to April 4, Kaspars Pudžs, an ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Organic Materials researcher, visited DESY PETRA III synchrotron in Hamburg, Germany. During the visit, he became familiar with the newly upgraded spectrometer at the P64 Advanced X-ray absorption spectroscopy beamline and carried out X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements at the beamline P65. It was a valuable experience as beamline scientist Alexander Kalinko explained to Kaspars Pudžs the structure of the new spectrometer, which provided insight into how robots can help improve experiments. The acquired knowledge will help improve the Institute of Solid State Physics experiments.

With the upgraded spectrometer, it is possible to obtain high-resolution XANES quickly and qualitatively and, in the future, also EXAFS spectra for various elements, allowing dynamic experiments to be performed. The improved spectrometer will enable advanced research, for example, of thermoelectric nanoparticles, which are essential in creating hybrid thermoelectric elements. During the visit, valuable X-ray absorption spectroscopy data on copper chalcogenide nanoparticles were acquired. The obtained results will strengthen the cooperation with Professor Toprak’s group from KTH.

Established in 1959, DESY is one of the world’s leading accelerator centers with large-scale facilities to explore the microcosm in all its variety – from the interactions of tiny elementary particles and the behavior of new types of nanomaterials to biomolecular processes that are essential to life.