
International FM&NT – NIBS 2022 Summer School at the ISSP UL

On July 2-3, the international FM&NT – NIBS 2022 Summer School took place. It was organized both by the ISSP UL (July 2) and the University of Latvia (July 3) on the weekend before the Joint International Conference “Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies and Nanotechnology and Innovation in the Baltic Sea Region” (FM&NT – NIBS 2022). The Summer School gathered 29 international participants from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden.

The activities of the first day of the school took place at the ISSP UL, where experienced researchers from the Institute’s Laboratory of Microscopy, Laboratory of Spectroscopy, and EXAFS Spectroscopy Laboratory gave lectures, and participants could gain some hands-on experience in the labs on different techniques and applications of materials characterization: Advanced morphology characterization of materials by scanning electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy; Optical characterization of materials by spectral ellipsometry; Raman spectroscopy for structure analysis; Basics of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy for defects analysis in solids; Extended X-ray absorption fine structure for advanced structure analysis (EXAFS).

Both researchers and students appreciated the information they acquired during the lectures and the hands-on experience with the Institute’s state-of-the-art equipment obtained within the scope of the Camart2 project.