
ISSP UL research widely represented at the E-MRS Fall Meeting 2023

The European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2023 (E-MRS Fall Meeting) took place from the 18th to the 21st of September 2023 in Warsaw, Poland and gathered many researchers from around the world, including 14 scientists from the ISSP UL.

The conference consisted of parallel symposia with invited speakers, oral and poster presentations, assorted by one plenary session to provide an international forum for discussing recent advances in materials science. The high-quality scientific program addressed different topics organized into 24 symposia arranged in 5 clusters covering the fields of Information and Communication Technologies; Energy and Environment; Manufacturing; Health; and Fundamentals. The focus of the scientific program was both on fundamental investigations and technological applications, providing an international forum for discussing recent advances related to the different aspects to be considered to promote innovation.

Dr. habil. phys. Juris Purāns from the Thin Films Laboratory gave two invited talks at the conference, one in Symposium G, “High rate reactive deposition of ultrawide bandgap Ga2O3 by liquid metal target sputtering”, and one in Symposium R “X-ray absorption studies of local structure with femtometer accuracy under extreme conditions”.

Leading researcher Dr. phys. Anatoli Popov, from the Laboratory of Kinetics in Self-Organizing Systems, was one of the organizers of Symposium R, dedicated to neutron and synchrotron x-ray methods and applications in engineering materials and processes. He participated in this symposium’s poster session with five posters. Dr. phys. Vladimir Pankratov from the Laboratory of Spectroscopy also gave an invited speech, “Study of Swift Heavy Ion Induced Radiation Defects in Scintillators by VUV Excitation of Synchrotron Radiation”, and along with the laboratory colleagues Viktorija Pankratova and Alise Podelinska participated in the poster session.

Vladimir Pankratov was also among the organizers of Symposium U, dedicated to defect-induced effects in low-dimensional and novel materials. He also participated in this symposium with a poster. This poster session also saw presentations by Viktorija Pankratova, Dmitry Bocharov (Laboratory of Computer Modeling of Electronic Structure of Solids), Anatoli Popov, and Alise Podelinska. One of the speakers in this session was Dr. phys. Alexei Kuzmin from EXAFS Spectroscopy Laboratory – “Unraveling the local atomic structure with X-ray absorption spectroscopy”.

Numerous ISSP UL scientists participated in the E-MRS Fall Meeting poster sessions. In Symposium C, Dr. rer. nat. Guntars Zvejnieks (Laboratory of Kinetics in Self-Organizing Systems); Symposium E, Kevon Kadiwala and Ph.D Edgars Butanovs (both from Thin Films Laboratory); Symposium H, Katrīna Laganovska (Laboratory of Optical Materials), Symposium K, Annamarija Trausa (Microscopy Laboratory), Symposium Q, Dr. rer. nat. Sergei Piskunov (Laboratory of Computer Modeling of Electronic Structure of Solids), and Symposium I, Ainārs Knoks (Laboratory of Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage).

The purpose of ISSP UL researchers’ participation in the E-MRS Fall Meeting 2023 was to present their knowledge and available infrastructure, as well as to actively participate in the platform work and offer the ISSP UL expertise for future cooperation within European Large Scale Facilities. Researchers attended multiple symposiums, and multiple new contacts were established during the conference, bringing numerous new possibilities for scientific projects and potential for collaboration with industry.

Founded in 1983, the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) now has more than 4,000 members from industry, government, academia and research laboratories, who meet regularly to debate recent technological developments of functional materials.

E-MRS organizes, co-organizes, sponsors, or co-sponsors numerous scientific events and meetings each year. The E-MRS Spring and Fall Meetings are at the heart of the meetings portfolio. The major society conference, the E-MRS Spring Meeting, is organized every year in May or June and offers, on average, 25 topical symposia. It is widely recognized as having the highest international significance and is the greatest of its kind in Europe, with about 2,500 attendees every year. Based on the same model, the E-MRS Fall Meeting is organized every year in September and consists of 20 topical symposia. Both conferences are augmented by an exhibition of products and services of interest to the participants.


The conference program

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