
ISSP UL’s scientific seminar on Biomedical Technologies, Biomarkers, and Microfluidics

On November 23, a two-hour scientific seminar, “Biomedical Technologies, Biomarkers, and Microfluidics”, gathered researchers from CAMART2 partner institutions. The seminar was a hybrid event - participants could attend it at the ISSP UL conference room and join in online.

The first theme of the seminar, “Organs on chip. Cancer biomarker separation and detection After”, was presented by Dr. sc. ing. Gatis Mozoļevskis, Head of the laboratory and Leading researcher, Micro and Nanodevices Laboratory and Dr. sc. ing. Roberts Rimša, Leading researcher, Micro and Nanodevices Laboratory the researchers.

The second theme, “Antiviral, antifungal, and anticovid coatings”, was presented by Dr. phys. Mārtiņš Zubkins, Leading researcher, Thin Films Laboratory and Dr. habil. phys. Baiba Bērziņa, Leading researcher, Laboratory of Spectroscopy.

The third presented was Assoc. Prof. Anna Herland from the KTH, Royal Institute of Technology. Her theme was “Needs in microfluidic cell culture”.

Suggestions and recommendations from partner institutions RISE, and KTH followed the scientific presentations.

After each of the presentations, there was Q&A time, and at the end of the seminar - a brief discussion about the seminar’s program and more.