
Latvian Academy of Science (LZA) presents Name and Young Scientists Awards

On October 8, during an extraordinary assembly, the winners of LZA Name (named after a person) and Young Scientists awards were greeted. This year, there were thirteen Name and four Young Scientists’ awards distributed and four of them were presented to researchers and young scientists from the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia.

  • Dr.phys. Jānis Kleperis received Arturs Balklavs award for popularization of science by organizing the “Solar Cup” event;
  • Dr.phys. Aleksejs Kuzmins received Edgars Siliņš award in Physics for the set of works “Development of X-ray Absorption Spectrum Analysis Methods and Their Applications in Material Structure Research”;
  • Dr.phys. Kaspars Pudžs received Ludvigs and Māris Jansons award in physics for his work “Study of electrical and thermoelectrical properties of organic thin films with different morphology”, under supervision of Dr.phys. A. Vembris;
  • Dr.phys. Virgīnija Vītola received Young Scientists award for her work “Electronic excitations and processes in long-lasting luminescence material SrAl2O4”, under supervision of Dr.phys. K. Šmits.


Information about all LZA award winners