
Nordic Nanolab User Meeting NNUM 2019

On May 7-8, researchers from ISSP UL Laboratory of Prototyping of Electronic & Photonic Devices participated in the Nordic Nanolab User Meeting NNUM 2019 at the Technical University of Denmark.

As a part of CAMART2, ISSP Prototyping lab team members visited Technical University of Denmark (DTU) to attend series of seminars on cleanroom fabrication called Nordic Nanolab User Meeting (NNUM). During the NNUM Prototyping lab members attended two "streams" of presentations - on lithography (both optical and electron) and etching. During one and a half day workshop ISSP members heard presentations from DTU, KTH, IBM and other experienced microfabrication experts. During the NNUM ISSP members also had a chance to network with Nordic Nanolab users thus helping on the way for ISSP to participate in the Euronanolab consortium.


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