
Solar Cup 2021

On May 22, “Solar Cup 2021” competition organized by the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia will take place. The event and preparation it involves, fosters school youth’s interest in science and alternative ways of obtaining energy.

This year, the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO joins the supporters of the event, inviting the UNESCO Associated School Network in Latvia to participate in the event.

The competition is the final activity of the Solar Cup. To participate in it, the 5th - 12th grade students form teams and construct models of land, air or water vehicles powered only by alternative energy source – the Sun. During the event, teams compete within the class of their constructed vehicle models. While the results are being summarized, the invited guests with lectures cover the current situation in the field of the renewable energy. The winners of the Solar Cup are awarder.

The Solar Cup started 13 years ago to show young people that science is exciting, it finds solutions to energy and environmental problems, and that every research can contribute to a great discovery in the future. With the time competition started, the awareness of the topic of alternative energy sources was on the rise. The organizing team of the Solar Cup is pleased that for many young people this competition served as the starting point for engineering studies, confirming that this is one of the most effective ways to address and involve young people in scientific activities.