
The EC evaluators assess the progress of the CAMART2 project

The fourth CAMART² project report to the EC experts took place on the 13th and 14th of October at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia.

It was a great pleasure to welcome the evaluation experts as the previous on-site visit took place in 2018. The following two assessments had to be carried out remotely due to the global pandemic.

The experts evaluated qualitative and quantitative indicators, essential for the successful implementation of the project. The EC experts’ team listened to the progress report presentations given by each of the WP leaders, had a tour around the renovated and upgraded laboratories and cleanrooms, and learned about the possibilities of the new state-of-the-art equipment acquired by the ISSP UL with the support of the CAMART2 project.

The experts were impressed with the advancement achieved by the CAMART2 project since the last time they had a visit to the ISSP UL. The progress allows us to conclude that the ISSP UL is not only one of the leading scientific institutions in the Baltic region but has reached a level that allows it to operate on par with European research centers.

Looking forward to the official report!