
The International Meeting on Ferroelectricity 2017

On September 4-8, ISSU UL Deputy Director of science Andris Šternbergs participated in The International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF-2017) in San Antonio, USA as a member of International Committees and invited speaker with report "The Structure and Phase Transitions of Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 - ATiO3 Solid Solutions".


The International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF) is a prime meeting which covers the basics and theory of ferroelectric behaviour in various materials with potential for applications in the most advanced electronic sensors and devices. IMF has provided the platform to bring together researchers from academia, industry and government laboratories to share their knowledge in the field and to present the development of novel applications of ferroelectricity in various interdisciplinary and cross-coupled research areas. As a result, the IMF series has nurtured several special Symposia and Conferences in related fields and accelerated the rapid growth and extended interests in the field of ferroelectrics around the globe. The major themes and drives of these premier meetings have been to present the recent developments in the new understandings of fundamentals, advances in the field and bringing out the novel emerging cross-coupled effects among various characteristics of materials such as semiconductors, biosystems, and so on.