
Visiting potential collaboration partners in Europe

Even though the 2020 has been and still is a challenging year, the CAMART2 project implementation carries on. In the scope of the technology transfer services in the field of advanced materials and technologies, the work has culminated in successful potential collaboration partners meetings all across Europe, which, due to the growing number of COVID-19 cases all across Europe, took place online.

Representative from Materize sales unit of the ISSP UL, had many online meetings with potential collaboration partners through 2020. At Oxford Lasers Ltd, which provides laser based solutions to the customers since 1977, the mutual collaborations’ research and development (R&D) interests in laser and matter interaction, development of new processes with lasers, and tailoring material modifications (under laser irradiation) with optical properties were discussed.

At CRM Group, activities are centered on the production, transformation, coating, use and recycling of metallic materials. Since 1948, the Belgian enterprise offers R&D and technology solutions focusing on the development of innovative processes and products that create value for our industrial partners. The mutual interests include high performance alloys/multimaterials, metal coatings and printed electronics.

The ISSP UL R&D interests with the LioniX International (the Netherlands) are laser physics and nonlinear optics, optical sciences, complex photonics systems, high frequency photonics, amplifiers, electronics, Al2O3 materials and new light sources at 800 – 1000 nm. LioniX International is a leading global provider of customized microsystem solutions in scalable production volumes. The Netherlands based enterprise propose collaboration within Marie Curie fellowships to exchange the PhD students, within COST actions and also in future Horizon projects.

The research and development interests in Enformatic Systems from Poland are software and algorithm developments for optical sensors and systems. The company specializes in custom software development and outsourcing services and has over a decade of experience and expertise in providing solutions for scientific applications.

CeraNovis GmbH is technology leader for ceramic non-stick and protective coatings in high temperature applications. The German company specializes in development, production and distribution of functional high-performance coatings for industrial applications and offers a comprehensive product portfolio covering areas like coatings for smelters and foundries, protective non-stick coatings for high-temperature applications, coatings for the aerospace industry, protective coatings for heat exchangers and porous ceramic filtration layers. The ISSP UL R&D interests are ceramic thermooptical coatings.  

Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co KG – Optics is one of the technology leaders and materials specialists for the manufacture and processing of high purity fused silica and high-end ceramics. The German organization excels in all key processes for producing natural fused quartz and synthetic fused silica for the semiconductor and photonics industry. The R&D interests are glass for fiber optics and glass for extreme UV mirrors.

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. The research and development interests are in temperature sensors which work up to 1600°C, rust visulisators (for Al) and light amplifiers for high precision laser sources or other components for radars. The ESA encourages ISSP UL to provide unique knowhow and ideas for space and earth observation technologies

Manutech USD  is French economic interest grouping (EIG) that brings together public research and industry stakeholders around an Equipex (equipment of excellence) to explore and exploit the scientific and industrial possibilities offered by femtosecond lasers. The enterprise is interested in TESS sensor applications developed at the ISSP UL.

CD6 - Center for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development in Spain. CD6 is a technological innovation center located at the Campus of the UPC in Terrassa, which operates in the field of Optical Engineering. The R&D interests include optical metrology (adaptive optics and optometry), visual biophonics, optical design and color and spectral technology.

Fraunhofer Joint Lab IDEAS – is an institution that aims at product and process innovation through the development of innovative design methods and simulation tools. The R&D interests are in additive manufacturing (AM) like energy storage and harvesting (e.g., electricity storage facility from water waves), novel organic materials to prototype photonic devices, ceramic fuel cells, nano and micro structured materials for medical applications as well as promoters in energy harvesting and storage technologies and polymers for biomedical applications.

Bright Solutions SRL is Italy based company that develops and manufactures state-of-the-art ns, sub-ns DPSS lasers and high brightness diode laser modules. Its activity is oriented towards the development of state-of-the-art diode-pumped solid-state laser systems aimed at superior, efficiency, compactness and reliability, suitable for industrial, aerospace, medical, military and scientific application. The research and Development interests include UV laser light sources, built-in laser beam quality monitoring and the TESS sensor test developed by ISSP UL as well as the joined development.

Tec Star is an agile and dynamic company, specialized in developing hi-tech solutions for nanotechnology industrial applications. The company is based in Italy and deals with R&D, production, engineering and selling of new nanostructured materials for the mechanical, automotive, ceramics, glass, chemical, textile, aeronautical, plastic material and composite material and polymer industries, and everything connected with these industries. The R&D interests with the ISSP UL are nanoparticles, polymers and nanocomposite polymer materials, antibacterial coatings, UV resistant coatings, paints, nanofluids and oil lubricants.

Kalyon-PV is new and very ambitious Turkish company - the world’s first photovoltaic (PV) production factory integrating all 4 fabrication stages (ingot ® wafer ® cell ® panel) and R&D under the same roof. The common R&D interests with ISSP lie in the field of advanced PV characterization technique development to monitor and improve PV performances.

The laboratory of Biophotonics and Nanomediice of IFAC – Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara” of the Italian National Research Council - has expertise in laser-assisted nanomedicine for tumor theranostics, in development of light-sensitive implantable devices for "on demand“ drug release and biophotonic diagnostics, and nano-biospectroscopy. The R&D interests are in development of biophotonic devices.

BCMaterials, Basque Centre on Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, is an autonomous research center in Spain focused on development, evaluation, understanding and implementation of materials for sensors and actuators, which are critical for the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. R&D is in research on materials for advanced biological and biomedical applications and materials for energy (both generation and storage).

The Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) is a multidisciplinary research center focused on cutting-edge research in functional advanced materials in the fields of energy, electronics, nanomedicine and application fields yet to imagine. The R&D interests include many subjects like nanostructured materials for optoelectronics and energy harvesting, crystallography of magnetic and electronic oxides and surfaces, physical chemistry of surfaces and interfaces, functional nanomaterials & surfaces, nanoparticles & nanocomposites, solid state chemistry, multifunctional thin films and complex structures, molecular nanoscience and organic materials, inorganic materials and catalysis.

ISSP UL restored collaboration with the Division of Optics of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science. The R&D interests are in biomedical and bioanalytical applications, development of novel biomaterials, fundamentals of biointerfacial interactions, advanced physical methods in hepatotoxicity studies, nanoparticle-cell and nanomaterial-cell interactions, laser irradiation and cellular responses, biological effects of non-thermal plasma, epitaxy tailors unprecedented functions in perovskite oxides, hybrid laser technology, and matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE).