
UK ambassador to Latvia visits the ISSP UL

On May 26, the ISSP UL welcomed Mr Paul Brummell CMG, the ambassador of the United Kingdom to Latvia and Mr Paulis Grīnhofs, political and economic adviser to the ambassador. The guests had an opportunity to learn about our institute’s history, research directions, latest achievements and future plans.

During the meeting with the director of the ISSP UL, Dr. phys. Andris Anspoks and the deputy director for science, Dr. habil. phys. Andris Šternbergs strengthening relations between Latvia and the United Kingdom in various fields of science were discussed. Successful earlier cooperation of the ISSP UL with the University of Nottingham and the University of Leeds was mentioned as an example.

The distinguished guest visited the institute’s laboratories and talked with the researchers about the latest research results achieved thanks to the modern facilities and equipment acquired thanks to the Camart2 project.