
Experience exchange visit and future collaboration with researchers from the University of Würzburg

On June 19, the ISSP UL’s leading researcher and head of the Laboratory of Organic Materials, Dr. phys. Aivars Vembris and the researcher from the afore-mentioned laboratory, Dr. chem. Anna Pidluzhna visited the University of Würzburg (UW), Germany.

The purpose of the visit was to meet with Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dyakonov and his group from the Experimental Physics VI department. In the first part of the meeting, the ISSP UL’s scientists got an introduction from the hosts about the thin film preparation equipment for organic light-emitting diode and perovskite solar cell preparation. Further, they were shown photoluminescence equipment for steady state and kinetics measurement. The most interesting part was related to the optical electron paramagnetic resonance method applied for thin films and working electroluminescence devices. Such a method could give information about triplet states in the material and working devices.

In the second part of the meeting, Aivars Vembris gave a presentation about the Institute of Solid State Physics, its experimental possibilities, and the latest research carried out in the Laboratory of Organic Materials. The third part of the meeting was devoted to discussing the possible synergy between the Experimental Physics VI department and the Laboratory of Organic Materials: as one of the possible collaborations could be the investigation of organic materials from an electrical (ISSP UL) and spectroscopy (UW) point of view. In the autumn, there could be the exchange of the first samples. Possible topics for the Horizon Europe “Responsible Electronics” calls were also discussed.