
Nanotechnology - part of everyday life and future discoveries

On September 7, National Radio (LR1) devoted its popular science program Zināmais Nezināmajā (Known in the Unknown) to the internet of things and nanotechnology. The guest of the second part of the program was the leading researcher from the EXAFS Spectroscopy Laboratory and the director of the ISSP UL, Dr. phys. Andris Anspoks.

In the program, he explained that a nanosized material is thousands of times smaller than hair yet so powerful. We encounter nanomaterials in almost every step of our daily life. It is used in the production of skis and helmets, sunscreens, and even socks. Nanotechnologies are about small things that make a big difference. In the future, nanoengineering promises us invisible super-durable coatings, robots that deliver anti-cancer drugs directly to the cancer cell, and various other technologies. Andris Anspoks talked about nanotechnological discoveries that are already part of our everyday life and what is on the agenda of researchers working in this field.

In the program, A. Anspoks also talks about the ISSP UL’s Nanotechnology center established within the scope of the Camart2 infrastructure upgrade project, and the research carried out by the ISSP UL’s scientists, such as organs-on-chips, defects of materials, etc.

The program recording in Latvian is available here.

Zināmais Nezināmajā is a popular science radio magazine that covers various fields of science, talks about nature, ecology, geography, ornithology, zoology, astronomy, archeology, history, looks into the achievements of science and technology, the life and work of outstanding personalities. Special attention is devoted to the achievements of Latvian scientists worldwide and in Latvia.