
RIX-STO platform will be presented at SIO graphene webinar

On November 10, graphene R&D activities carried out by the long-term partners ISSP UL, KTH, and RISE within the scope of the RIX-STO collaboration platform established as part of CAMART2 will be presented at the series of webinars organized by SIO Grafen – Garphene at RISE.  


The webinar will provide an overview of graphene related R&D activities at RISE, as well as at the Latvian-Swedish collaboration network RIX-STO. Prof. Qin Wang will highlight collaboration with Swedish industrial partners such as Scandidos, 2D Fab, Graphensic, and SenseAir on graphene-based bio/chemical sensors, conductive adhesives and transparent electrodes for electronic/photonic applications. Materize team members from the ISSP UL will describe the RIX-STO collaboration and technology transfer platform in general and the graphene activities at the ISSP UL, such as battery and optical gas sensor applications.

Senior researcher at RISE and coordinator for RISE graphene activities Gert Andersson: “We are pleased with the opportunities created by the CAMART2 project to work within the RIX-STO platform and learn to know our colleagues from the ISSP UL on the other side of the Baltic Sea. A valuable cooperation partner with whom we are happy to work, solve challenging scientific problems, and find efficient solutions to real life problems.”


SIO Grafen is a national Strategic Innovation Programme supporting the industrial graphene development in Sweden. The programme is supported by the Swedish government agencies Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation Agency), the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Research Council Formas. The vision for 2030 is that Sweden is among the world’s top ten countries in deploying graphene to ensure industrial leadership.


More about the webinar